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L’« explication franche » a eu lieu par téléphone. Matignon n’a guère apprécié l’interview donnée par le haut-commissaire aux retraites à notre journal et l’a fait savoir ce vendredi à l’intéressé.

« Le Premier ministre a voulu convoquer Delevoye dans son bureau pour une explication franche et en tête-à-tête, ça s’est terminé par un coup de fil ce matin », explique une source à l’Elysée.

Jeudi, dans Le Parisien, le haut-commissaire s’était montré opposé à l’idée de « la clause du grand-père », consistant à n’appliquer la réforme des retraites qu’aux nouveaux entrants sur le marché du travail.

Cette sortie avait déjà valu un recadrage général d’Emmanuel Macron lors du conseil des ministres jeudi. « Je vous demande de ne pas expliquer dès maintenant ce que serait une bonne ou une mauvaise réformefeefefeffe, en dehors de ce que disent le président et le Premier ministre », avait expliqué le chef de l’Etat.

Craps Strategy Information

I usually play $5 cross with 2x odds on any quantity, come bet with 2x odds, and rejoice when a sizzling shooter finally comes round. It’s a simple hit and miss, but then again I gamble to have fun – popping out a winner is just a bonus. If you do this you may be only giving the casino about zero.6% advantage over you depending on how much free odds they allow. If the dice bounce off the desk, the following roll might be a 7.

Craps Strategy Information

I usually play $5 cross with 2x odds on any quantity, come bet with 2x odds, and rejoice when a sizzling shooter finally comes round. It’s a simple hit and miss, but then again I gamble to have fun – popping out a winner is just a bonus. If you do this you may be only giving the casino about zero.6% advantage over you depending on how much free odds they allow. If the dice bounce off the desk, the following roll might be a 7.

In contrast, you lose if the end result of the roll is a 2, three, or 12, just like the pass line wager. You can either win your come wager level whether it is rolled once more or lose it if the shooter craps out.

Pass line odds are a mixture of the cross guess and one or more odds bets. You bet on the move as regular, and whenever some extent is established, you can again it up with an odds bet. This takes the house edge of the cross bet beneath the 1% mark. The extra odds bets you mix to your pass bet, the decrease the home benefit.

It is also common that place bets, buy bets, hardways and odds bets are briefly out of action throughout a come-out roll, since they go into play solely after the point has been decided. The primary approach to cheat at physical craps is to make use of loaded dice. Before the Come Out round, place your desired guess on the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line part of the craps table. The casino builds its “house edge” into the distinction between the payout and the actual odds. This is why 1/36 odds pays out 35-to-one, whereas 1/6 odds pay out 5-to-one. Therefore, the odds of rolling a 7 at any given time can be 1/6. ,

The stickman presents a choice of dice–usually five–from which the participant selects two. The stickman then retrieves the unselected dice with the stick; these cube are then not used in gameplay.

Craps Strategy Information

I usually play $5 cross with 2x odds on any quantity, come bet with 2x odds, and rejoice when a sizzling shooter finally comes round. It’s a simple hit and miss, but then again I gamble to have fun – popping out a winner is just a bonus. If you do this you may be only giving the casino about zero.6% advantage over you depending on how much free odds they allow. If the dice bounce off the desk, the following roll might be a 7.

Craps Strategy Information

I usually play $5 cross with 2x odds on any quantity, come bet with 2x odds, and rejoice when a sizzling shooter finally comes round. It’s a simple hit and miss, but then again I gamble to have fun – popping out a winner is just a bonus. If you do this you may be only giving the casino about zero.6% advantage over you depending on how much free odds they allow. If the dice bounce off the desk, the following roll might be a 7.

In contrast, you lose if the end result of the roll is a 2, three, or 12, just like the pass line wager. You can either win your come wager level whether it is rolled once more or lose it if the shooter craps out.

Pass line odds are a mixture of the cross guess and one or more odds bets. You bet on the move as regular, and whenever some extent is established, you can again it up with an odds bet. This takes the house edge of the cross bet beneath the 1% mark. The extra odds bets you mix to your pass bet, the decrease the home benefit.

It is also common that place bets, buy bets, hardways and odds bets are briefly out of action throughout a come-out roll, since they go into play solely after the point has been decided. The primary approach to cheat at physical craps is to make use of loaded dice. Before the Come Out round, place your desired guess on the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line part of the craps table. The casino builds its “house edge” into the distinction between the payout and the actual odds. This is why 1/36 odds pays out 35-to-one, whereas 1/6 odds pay out 5-to-one. Therefore, the odds of rolling a 7 at any given time can be 1/6. ,

The stickman presents a choice of dice–usually five–from which the participant selects two. The stickman then retrieves the unselected dice with the stick; these cube are then not used in gameplay.